Basic user operations
The user section is dedicated to user management. Common user oriented tasks include assigning additional credit to users, viewing a user's activity, and controlling user privileges.
Users in PaperCut NG/MF can be assigned either:
Restricted access where access to resources is denied once their credit drops to zero (or to the overdraft limit).
Unrestricted access meaning the user is never denied access.
Change a user's restriction privileges
Click the Users tab.
The User List page is displayed.
Select a user.
The User Details page is displayed.
In the Account Details area, select the Restricted check box.
Click Apply.
Increase a user's account balance
Click the Users tab.
The User List page is displayed.
Select a user.
The User Details page is displayed.
Click Adjustments & Charges.
In Adjustment, enter $10.00.
Enter a comment to associate with the transaction.
Click Apply.
View a user's transaction and print history
Select the user from the list (or enter the user name in the quick find).
Select the Transaction History tab to view the user's transaction.
Select the Job Log tab to view the user's recent print activity.