Google Cloud Directory: Troubleshooting
This functionality is available for organizations using:
Google Workspace for Education
Google Workspace Enterprise for Education
Google Workspace Enterprise
Cloud Identity Premium.
General troubleshooting

There was a problem processing the selected ZIP file. Ensure that the correct ZIP file was uploaded. If the error persists, download the ZIP file from your Google Admin console again and try again.

In your Google Admin console, in the Settings for <LDAPThe Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a directory service protocol that runs on a layer above the TCP/IP stack. It provides a mechanism used to connect to, search, and modify Internet directories. The LDAP directory service is based on a client-server model. client name> screen make sure Service status is set to ON for everyone.

In the Google Admin console, in the LDAP Access permissions screen make sure that Verify user credentials is set to Entire domain.

Check that you have entered a valid Fully-Qualified-Domain-Name (FQDN) in Step 2 - Type your Google Workspace or Google Cloud Identity domain.