PaperCut User Client configuration
In a clustered environment the behavior of PaperCut NG/MF on the workstations is identical to that of a non-clustered environment. The one exception, however, is in terms of configuration - configure the clients to connect to the Virtual Server rather than directly connecting to a node (i.e. make the network connections via virtual server's designated IP address). The changes necessary are:
Update User ClientThe User Client tool is an add-on that resides on a user's desktop. It allows users to view their current account balance via a popup window, provides users with the opportunity to confirm what they are about to print, allows users to select shared accounts via a popup, if administrators have granted access to this feature, and displays system messages, such as the "low credit" warning message or print policy popups.'s configuration file with the Virtual Server's details. Edit the files using Notepad or equivalent and repeat this for each node.
These directories contain configuration files that instruct the client to the whereabouts of the server. Update the IP address and the server name in the following set of files to the Virtual Server's details (Name and IP address):
Ensure that any URLs pointing to PaperCut NG/MF's web administration and user interfaces - https://[server]:9192/admin and https://[server]:9192/user - use the virtual server's name.
For example, any links on the organization's intranet site or links supplied to other SysAdmins.