Install Windows Live Tile
Windows Live Tile installation
To pin the environmental live tile on the Windows Start Menu:
Go to the Start Menu (press the Windows key).
Open Internet Explorer or Edge in the Start Menu. (NOTE: The browser must be configured as the default browser to complete the pinning process).
Enter the URL below (where [server-name] is the hostname of yourApplication Server).
Enter your network username/password. After successful login, the Environmental DashboardThe Environmental Dashboard is a desktop widget that presents data from PaperCut about the environmental impact of printing at both an individual user and organization level. This widget draws a user's attention to their printing impact and allows them to compare their usage to a benchmark. showing your usage statistics is displayed.
Click the favorites button.
For Internet Explorer, click the pin button.
For Edge, click the menu button.
Click Pin to Start .
Press the Windows key to go back to the Start screen. The Environmental Dashboard is now pinned to the Start screen. Clicking the live tile opens the Environmental Dashboard.
After a short period the live tiles start displaying. Five distinct live tiles rotate displaying your environmental usage statistics, ratings, tips, etc. A new set of five tiles are retrieved every 30 minutes.
TIPAlthough Windows usually starts displaying the live tiles after a short delay, sometimes it takes a few minutes for them to activate. If the live tiles are not displaying, changing the tile size can kick it into action. To do this, right-click the tile, select Resize from the bottom, then select a different size. Then change the size again back to the "Wide" tile format.
The Environmental Dashboard shows user level environmental information by default. If you do not want user level information to be available, you can turn it off by clearing the Show environmental impact information check box found in the Admin web interface under Options > General > User Features . When this option is off, only organization wide environmental stats are shown in the live tiles and dashboard.
Windows Tile deployment
Windows has very limited options to automatically deploy the live tile through the organization.
You should provide instructions to your users on how to access the Environmental Dashboard and install the live tiles on Windows 8.1 and above. These instructions could be provided in an email or on the organization's intranet. The instructions should include information from Windows Live Tile Installation and Using Environmental Dashboard on other browsers/platforms.