User management FAQs

Select the user from the groups list; then click the adjust link next to the credit or select the Adjustment & Charges tab.

PaperCut NG/MF automatically adds users to the system the first time they print. If your new user initial settings rules are defined correctly on the Groups tab, the user is automatically created with the designated starting credit and settings.
If you have added a large batch of new users, you can force the addition of these users immediately via the User/group synchronization option on the Options page. For more information, see Synchronize user and group details.

If you need to make a change to more than one user, consider using the Bulk user actions link located in the Actions menu on either the User List or Group List page. This allows bulk modification of user settings based on their network group membership. See Bulk user operations.

You can grant administrator level access to trusted individuals. See Assigning administrator level access. By using advanced access control rights, you can limit administrators to a subset of users (a group) via the option Limit access to users only in group.

Yes. You can also define groups via a text file (e.g. a tab-delimited file). Simply place your group definition file at the location
See the template file additional-groups.txt.tmpl in the same directory for an example and further information.

Yes. You can enable Username aliasing under Options > Advanced
Another option to set up username aliasing is described in the file below:
See the comments in this file for more information.

Yes. PaperCut NG/MF is designed to keep user management simple and automated, but you can manage users inside PaperCut NG/MF as well as or instead of using users from a user directory. Users managed by PaperCut NG/MF are termed internal users. For more information, see Internal users (users managed by PaperCut NG/MF).