Create custom reports
PaperCut NG/MF comes with many predefined reports that require no set up at all. However, you might want to create custom reports with information tailored to your organization. With custom reports, you can create your own reports using Jaspersoft Studio, and then schedule the report to run periodically. For example, you might want to create a report similar to the Shared account print/copy/scan/fax - breakdown report, but also includes the current balance for each account. Since the account balance is not provided in the standard report, you can create a custom report to achieve this.
PaperCut Software makes available the database queries for all standard reports. For more information, see Producing custom reports with PaperCut.
You can also customize the visual style of the reports to match the style of your organization.
Reports containing scriptlets are not supported.
The Adhoc option is not available for custom reports.
To add a custom report to PaperCut MF:
Create the report using Jaspersoft Studio. For more information about creating reports in Jaspersoft Studio, see Producing custom reports with PaperCut.
Copy the following files to <PaperCut NG/MF install path>/server/reports/custom/jasper:
*.jrxml—report file
*.jasper—subreport files
any image files, such as a logo.
If you want an image of a sample report available on the Reports > Custom page:
Create a .png file illustrating the sample report
Save the .png file with the same name as the report template.
Copy the .png file to <PaperCut NG/MF install path>/server/reports/custom/jasper/images
If you want to make the standard date range drop-down list available on the Custom Reports tab in the Admin web interface, you need to include specific parameters in your Jaspersoft Studio report. For more information, see Producing custom reports with PaperCut.
In the PaperCut NG/MF Admin interface, select Reports > Custom.
The Custom Reports page is displayed with a list of your available custom reports.
On this page, you can: