Prepare for Integrated Scanning implementation
Before you set up PaperCut MF Integrated ScanningIntegrated Scanning provides a secure, consistent, and easy way for users to scan documents to: their own email address, their own home folders, or other authorized email and folder destinations., perform the following tasks:
(Optional) Set up user groups.
(Scan to Folder action only) Provide access to network folders.
Configure PaperCut MF to send scan notifications to users via email.
Depending on your device, you might also need to configure the actual device for Integrated Scanning.
(Optional) Set up user groups
Groups let you organize which users can access which Scan Actions. Users can be added to a group either when they are first added into PaperCut MF, or before you set up your scan actions.
Identify the user groups that you want each scan action to be able to access.
For example, for educational sites, you might want to have one user group for all students and another user group for all teachers. The students group could access a Scan to My Email scan action. The teacher group could access a Scan to my Home Folder, Scan to Cloud Storage, and a Scan to My Email scan action.
For corporate sites, you could set up a group for executives so they can scan confidential documents to a network folder that has restricted access.
For more information and steps on how to set up groups, see Groups in PaperCut NG/MF.
(Scan to Folder action only) Provide access to network folders
If you want to create scan actions that deliver scan jobs to a a predefined network path:
Step 1: Determine and/or set up the scan delivery folders
Before you set up scan actions, identify the folders where you want to store the scan jobs. Depending on your environment, the folders might include:
each user's home directory (home folder)—this must be set up in each user's details in the Home folder field. If all of the folders for all of the users are under one root folder, use an inherited permission for that folder
network folders—these must exist in the network so they can be linked to in PaperCut MF scan actions settings.
The account that runs the PaperCut MF service needs to have access to all of the folders.
PaperCut MF must run on, or have access to, the same network that the folders are set up on.
Step 2: Create a new service account
So that PaperCut MF can deliver scan jobs, the service account that runs PaperCut MF needs to have read/write access to the network folders or Network Attached Storage (NAS).
By default, the service account that runs the PaperCut MF service is:
Windows—SYSTEM account
Mac—papercut account
Linux—papercut account
These accounts, however, do not have read and write access to network folders! That means you need to create a user account that can run the same types of services as the system account but also has read/write access to all of the required folders. Then you then need to replace the original service account with your new account.
Step 3: Replace the original service account with your new service account

In the Services console, stop the PaperCut MF Application ServerAn Application Server is the primary server program responsible for providing the PaperCut user interface, storing data, and providing services to users. PaperCut uses the Application Server to manage user and account information, manage printers, calculate print costs, provide a web browser interface to administrators and end users, and much more. service.
Right-click the PaperCut MF Application Server service, then select Properties.
Click the Log On tab.
Select This account.
Enter the new service account name and password.
Click OK.
Start the PaperCut MF Application Server service.

On Linux and Mac OS X, make sure the PaperCut account has read and write access to the appropriate network mounted volumes. This depends on your local network setup and the network file system you are using. For more information, refer to your Operating System documentation.
Add scan destination details to users' details
The scan action destination details might have already been set up for each user when they were first added to PaperCut NG/MF. However if they weren't, set them up in PaperCut MF for each scan action you are going to create:
Scan to Cloud Storage—if the scan action is to a personal folder, no work is required. If it is to a shared folder, make sure the folders exist in the cloud storage provider. Currently, only the SharePoint Online connector supports scanning to shared folders.
Scan to Folder—set up each user's home folder and/or create one or more network folders for scans to be stored in.
Scan to Email—set up each user's email address and/or set up one or more generic email addresses for scans to be sent to; set up the SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the mechanism by which an email client program sends emails to an outgoing mail server (SMTP server) for delivery to the intended email address. Server Options (see Configure email)
Scan to Fax—if you are using the Generic SMTP connector to send scans via email, set up the fax provider email gateway details. In the case of send via APIs using the APIApplication Programming Interface (API) is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software and applications. An API expresses a software component in terms of its operations, inputs, outputs, and underlying types, defining functionalities that are independent of their respective implementations, which allows definitions and implementations to vary without compromising the interface. connectors, refer to the fax provider documentation.
You can set up or update users' details in the following ways:
Configure PaperCut MF to send scan notifications to users via email
If you want scan actions to send users emails containing information about their scan jobs, configure PaperCut MF for email notifications.
For more information and steps, see Set up system notifications and emails.