Troubleshooting Document Processing scans, including OCR
Remember, locally hosted Document Processing requires the On-prem OCR & Document Processing Pack once the trial period is finished. For more information, contact your local Authorized Solution Center or reseller.
Locally hosted Document Processing is available only for Windows.
Notification of failed scans
If a scan with Document Processing options enabled fails to reach its destination and you have configured scanning notifications, then the initiating user is notified. They will receive one or more of the following notifications depending on where in the transmission the scan failed:
If a scan fails to reach the PaperCut MF Cloud Document Processing service, PaperCut MF will retry sending it. If after the configured retry period (default approximately 10 minutes) the scan still cannot be delivered to the cloud, the user will receive an email letting them know that it has failed.
Scan files are securely deleted when they are either:
successfully delivered
cannot be delivered within 24 hours.

OCR technology is impressive, but not perfect. A failure is usually for one of the following reasons:
The document has been loaded into the MFD in the wrong position. PaperCut MF attempts to detect the page orientation, however this is not always accurate.
The DPI of the scan job is too low. Try scanning again at a higher DPI.
The fonts are complex or artistic.
The image quality of the original file is poor, for example, the page is damaged or skewed, the page has a lot of speckling, or there isn't much contrast between the text and the background.
The language used in the document has not been enabled for OCR on the Capture tab of the Admin web interface.
The Scan Action does not have OCR enabled for the selected file type (PDF).
Turning on the Despeckle and Deskew options can help improve OCR detection accuracy by enhancing image quality. This can result in slower performance, depending on your infrastructure.
If your document is not private in nature, or you are able to reproduce the problem with another non-private document, send the document to PaperCut support to help us improve OCR accuracy.

Ensure that the OCR service is functioning and can be reached from the PaperCut MF Application ServerAn Application Server is the primary server program responsible for providing the PaperCut user interface, storing data, and providing services to users. PaperCut uses the Application Server to manage user and account information, manage printers, calculate print costs, provide a web browser interface to administrators and end users, and much more..
If you are using a firewall other than the Windows Firewall (which is configured automatically by the installer), open port 9181 (inbound) to allow connections from the PaperCut MF Application Server.
On the Capture page, make sure there are no typos in the Document Processing server hostname or IP address.
Wait for a minute and then refresh the page to see if the error message goes away.
Uninstall the Document Processing service and install it again.
Investigate any potential network problems.

Ensure the correct duplex mode is set in the scan action Input settings.
Ensure the number of pages for each document in the input batch matches the number of pages for each document set in the scan action.
Check that the automatic document feeder isn’t grabbing multiple pages at a time.

Blank Page Removal works at the scan action level, not globally. Make sure it’s enabled for the specific scan action used to produce the documents..
Any content on the page will cause it to be classified as not-blank. This includes:.
headers and footers
page numbers
text like "this page left intentionally blank"
any image content
smudges or shadows.
You can manually The blank page detection threshold can be manually tuned to reduce sensitivity using [THIS CONFIG KEY] ..

If the user received a scan success email:
Ask the user to check that the destination they are looking in is correct.
If the user did not receive a scan success email:
Check the PaperCut MF Admin interface Logs > Job Log to see if the job is still in progress.
If it is, give it a few more minutes to come through. The larger and more complex the document, the longer it takes to process, particularly if Document Processing enhancements like OCR are enabled. For example, a one-page black and white scan at 300 DPI should be delivered to the destination in less than a minute. However, a 20 page color scan with OCR, Blank Page Removal and Deskew at 600 DPI will take approximately 20 mins, depending on the speed of your network.
If the job has failed, check the Application Log for messages about the problem:
Select Logs > Application Log.
The Application Log page is displayed.
App Log message | Cause | Action |
Failed to activate PaperCut MF Cloud Services with the license provided. Ensure you have active Maintenance & Support (M&S) and that your network connection is stable. |
This could happen for the following reasons: |
Contact your reseller to renew your license. |
Check that the correct URLs and port are allowed through your firewall outbound. |
PaperCut MF Cloud Services have been deactivated, which means your Scan to Cloud Storage and text-searchable document scan actions are disabled. Please try to re-activate PaperCut MF Cloud Services. |
This could happen for the following reasons:
Reactivate the PaperCut MF Cloud Services by attempting to edit either a Scan to Cloud Storage scan action or a scan action with OCR enabled. For more information about creating scan actions, see Setting up Integrated Scanning. If not you do not have active M&S, a message will be displayed when you try to reactivate. Contact your reseller to reactivate your M&S. |
Unable to connect to Endpoint refused to connect. |
This error can occur for the following reasons: |
Check that the correct URLs and port are allowed through your firewall outbound. |
Check that the config keyA config key stores information about a specific advanced setting in PaperCut. Config keys are editable by an administrator in the Config Editor. system.scan.ocr.api-url is set to, or one of the regional URLs from PaperCut MF Cloud Services port and URLs. | |
Ask the user to retry the scan when the outage is fixed. | |
Fix the server system time. | |
Failed to upload the scanned file by {username} on {deviceName} to the PaperCut MF OCR Service. |
This error can occur for the following reasons: |
Increase the timeout period via the system.scan.ocr.transfer-retry-timeout-mins config key. For more information, see Configure advanced Integrated Scanning (config keys). |
Ask the user to retry the scan. | |
The PaperCut OCR Service could not convert the scan job by {username} on {deviceName} to a searchable format. |
This error can occur for various reasons including:
Check the server log for more details about the error. |
The OCR process has timed out after {x} minutes while converting the scan job by {username} on {deviceName} to a searchable document. | The time taken to convert the document to a text-searchable format has exceeded the configured timeout period. | Increase the timeout period via the config key. For more information, see Configure advanced Integrated Scanning (config keys). |
Failed to download the searchable document scanned by {username} on {deviceName} from the PaperCut MF OCR Service. |
This error can occur for the following reasons: |
Increase the timeout period via the config key. For more information, see Configure advanced Integrated Scanning (config keys). |
Ask the user to retry the scan. |
Scan file exceeds size limit. | The scan job has been converted to a text-searchable format and sent back to the Application Server, but it could not be delivered to the destination because the scan job is larger than the configured maximum file size. |
The user needs to reduce the file size (for example, by reducing the DPI or splitting the file in two. Alternatively, you could increase the maximum file size allowed using one of the following config keys:
For more information, see Configure advanced Integrated Scanning (config keys). |
If you can’t resolve the problem, then contact your PaperCut MF reseller with your Support ID.