Configure Secure Print Release with load balancing
When load balancingPrinter load balancing automatically distributes print jobs between two or more printers. Load balancing is generally used to equally distribute print jobs across a pool of printers saving valuable time in document output for the user and at the same time balancing the wear and tear among printer devices. is used, jobs are distributed evenly between a number of queues based on intelligent algorithms taking into account several factors including printer load and error conditions. For more information, see Printer load balancing.
Step 1: Create a virtual print queue
Create a new print queueA print queue displays information about documents that are waiting to be printed, such as the printing status, document owner, and number of pages to print. You can use the print queue to view, pause, resume, restart, and cancel print jobs. on the print serverA print server is a system responsible for hosting print queues and sharing printer resources to desktops. Users submit print jobs to a print server rather then directly to the printer itself. A print server can be a dedicated server but on many networks this server also performs other tasks, such as file serving called Find-Me. You will configure this printer as a single global virtual queue that users will print to. It is called virtual as this print queue does not point to a physical printer and has no IP address.
Point the virtual queue to a nul port, more help is available here.
IMPORTANTThis step is very important because if you point the virtual queue to a physical device and PaperCut MF is stopped, all print jobs in the virtual queue will automatically be printed on the physical printer.
However, some printer drivers require the queue to point to the IP address of a printer. If your printer requires this, it does not matter which printer you point to as PaperCut NG/MF does not use this information. Consider using PaperCut’s Global Print DriverThe PaperCut Global Print Driver is a print driver that works across multiple brands of MFPs. Use the Global Print Driver if your organization has a mix of printer brands. The Global Print Driver is a brand independent, maximum compatibility, signed print driver. It is designed to work on the widest possible range of printers out of the box and supports all main print features (duplex, color, paper size and tray selection)., which can be found here:
[app-path]\PaperCut MF\providers\print\drivers\global\win\PC-Global-Print-Driver
Ensure that the print queue has registered itself with PaperCut MF by checking the Printers tab of the Admin web interface. For more information about adding printers, see Add and remove/delete/ignore printers.
Step 2: Configure the print queue as a virtual queue with hold/release enabled
Click the Printers tab.
The Printer List page is displayed.
Select find-me-queue.
In the Configuration area, in Queue type, select This is a virtual queue (jobs will be forwarded to a different queue).
The Job Redirection Settings area is displayed.
In Jobs may be redirected to these destination queues, select the print queues to which the find-me-queue can be redirected.
In the Hold/Release Queue Settings area, select the Enable hold/release queue check box. This ensures that jobs are held in the print queue until users are ready to release their jobs.
In Release mode, select one of the following:
User Release—(default) allows users to release and view only the jobs printed under their name/user account.
Admin/Manager only release—jobs can only be released by administrators or hold/release queue managers.
TIPTo configure multiple printers with hold/release queue support, use the Copy settings to other printers function. To use this, configure one printer as required, click Copy settings to other printers; then select the printers to copy the settings to.
Click OK.
This area determines which queues find-me-queue is capable of redirecting to.
Step 3: Configure Secure Print Release and load balancing on the device
Click the Devices tab.
The External Device List page is displayed.
Select a device.
The Device Details page is displayed.
In the Print Release area, select the Enable print release check box.
In This device will display jobs for release from the selected source queues, select the virtual queue(s) you created for Find-Me printingFind-Me printing allows users to print to a single global print queue without selecting a printer, and then release the print job at any printer (via a Release Station)..
NOTEThe Enable find me printing support is also selected by default.
If you have multiple print server operating systems, select the Find-Me virtual queue for each operating system.
To make it easier for you to find the queues you need, the list is sorted into the following categories:
Suggested—this category is not used for Find-Me printing.
Virtual with Hold/Release—all virtual queues with Hold/Release enabled.
Physical with Hold/Release—all physical queues with Hold/Release enabled.
No Hold/Release—queues that do not have Hold/Release enabled.
You can filter the list of source queues to display only those queues with a specific text string in the queue name. For example, if you have included “virtual” in your virtual print queue names, you could enter virtual to display only the virtual queues.
If you want to display a button on the device to release all pending jobs, select the Show button to release all pending jobs check box.
NOTEThis feature is not available on all device types.
In Enable find me printing support > When released, jobs will be redirected to, select Multiple devices (load balancing).
In the list of destination queues, select all of the physical print queues in the device pool.
To make it easier for you to find the queues you need, the list is sorted into the following categories:
Suggested—queues are suggested if they are Hold/Release queues and one of the devices selected for redirection by the queue has the same IP address as the current device. IP matching can be either an exact match on the IP address or a match using hostname resolution.
Other—all other queues.
You can filter the list of destination queues to display only those queues with a specific text string in the queue name. For example, if you have named your print queues based on the device manufacturer, you could enter Konica to display only those print queues with Konica in the name.
If you want to prevent the release of jobs when the device is in error, select the Block the release of jobs when the device is in error. For more information, see Prevent jobs being released to a device in error.
In Users have permission to, select either:
release their own print jobs—Users can release only documents submitted under their own name. This is the default selection for security purposes.
release any print jobs (charged to their account)—Users can release any print job from any user. This mode provides authentication in unauthenticated printing scenarios and is described in detail in Unauthenticated printing.
If you selected release their own print jobs, and you want jobs to be released automatically when a user logs in, select the Automatically release jobs upon login check box.
Click OK.
This feature is not available on all device types.